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Interface MinioS3AdapterOpts

Options to construct an adapter instance.


  • MinioS3AdapterOpts




access: ClientOptions

The options to connect to and access an Amazon S3 compatible storage.

Optional bucketName

bucketName: string

If no bucket name is provided, or bucket name is set to '/', then the storage account is considered root. Providing any other valid string will be considered a bucket name, making the bucket the root.

Optional createIfNotExist

createIfNotExist: boolean

Enable creating buckets if they do not exist; defaults to false.

Optional flushEnabled

flushEnabled: boolean

Enable flushing the file system before commiting; defaults to false, since flush is a destructive operation.

Optional include

include: string[]

The file globs to apply to snapshot and flush operations.

Optional region

region: string

Region to create buckets in; if provided, option createIfNotExist defaults to true. If not provided and createIfNotExist is true, region defaults to 'us-east-1'.

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